Search engine ranking

Surely you have often met the term “search engine ranking”. It means which positioning a website reaches in the search engine results. The search engine ranking may be improved especially by a targeted linkbuilding. You could say that the linkbuilding is the supreme discipline of the search engine optimization. 

Why is the search engine ranking so important?

Studies show again and again, that the most search engine users consider tops the first ten search results. All further results are also-run. Therefore it is the first goal for every website operator to reach a search engine ranking in the Top 10.

Influencing the search engine ranking

How you may influence your own search engine ranking can not be answered global. Google defined more than 200 criteria for it. One of the most important indicators for a valuable page is the link popularity. The more links on a website show, the better the search engine ranking turns out.

Though not only the number of links counts, but the quality plays a big role, too. Consider for your linkbuilding therefore especially a good quality of the pages, which link to your website. You could speak of a good quality, if the website is reputable in the search engines, is topical related to your page and does not have too many outgoing links. You should better keep your hands off so named banner farms.

Buying backlinks for a better search engine ranking

An outstandingly effective possibility for improving the search engine ranking is to rent backlinks via Linkmads. Out of thousands of offers you choose the link offers, which fit your website topically. For a low monthly fee you geht high-quality and topic related links.