Offpage optimization

The search engine optimization can be separated in two areas. In the course of the onpage optimization the own website is optimized to that effect, that it could be found and indexed easily by search engines. In contrast to that, the offpage optimization contains especially measures, which could be influenced only limited by oneself. The most of these measures center around the linkbuilding.

What is linkbuilding?

The offpage optimization is based on the following logic of the search engines: The more often a website is linked from other pages, the more useful and interesting it must be for the reader – otherwise it would not be recommended. In the course of the offpage optimization it is essential to get as much links as possible to the own page. The higher the quality of a link is, the more it supports you with the improvement of your own ranking. Decisive for this purpose are two criteria: the topic relevancy and the quality.

Topic relevancy means, that a link should come from a page which deals with a related topic – it has not to be the same topic. For a website about cars a topic relevant link could for example originate from a page about tires. The quality of the backlinks shows especially in the pagerank of the linking website as well as in its positioning in the search engines.

Uncomplicated linkbuilding by buying text links

The linkbuilding is probably an exhausting task, which often takes a lot of time and lasts long. You may organise your linkbuilding easier with the aid of Linkmads. You may choose and book topic relevant backlinks from nearly every possible topic area. The bought links are integrated immediately, persist longterm and the costs stay due to the consistent monthly rental fee manageable.