In one point all search engine optimizers will agree: Linkbuilding is one of the most important bases of the search engine optimization. But they all will also agree, that the linkbuilding takes a lot of time. An effective linkbuilding should not lead into space without any plan, but lead targeted to a better ranking in the search engines.
A linkbuilding is always then ineffective, if it happens without a plan. If you sit day by day in front of your computer and set links from blog comments or on link farms without thinking about it, this will surely not contribute an effective linkbuilding.
An effective linkbuilding considers the most important rules of the search engines and orients as near as possible at a natural link structure. This has several consequences. So it is taboo for example to generate a large amount of links at one go, because this does not appear natural do search engines.
Also part of an effective linkbuilding is not to waste time with dubious link sources, which are in general named as "bad neighbourhood". This keyword describes websites, which are rated badly by Google. By a link they may contaminate your website with bad linkpower. So your efforts round about the linkbuilding lead fastly into a penalty. It is not too bad to have single links from such link sources in the portfolio. But the mass of links should not originate from such websites. Unfortunately are these the links which could be received the easiest way.
The buying of links is not respected by the search engines in general. Good, that Linkmads is there. If you rent a text link via the text link marketplace Linkmads, it is integrated by the offerer manually. The offerer does not use any PHP code or other software. Therefore there is no risk for your or his website, that google discovers the link sales and punishes the websites.
Thus you may trust on Linkmads as your partner for an effective linkbuilding. All websites in the offer were checked concerning the quality. The Linkmads crawler checks regularly if your bought links are set correctly. Your administrative effort amounts to a minimum.