Earning money with a blog

A lot of people like blogging. They do not always only want to communicate, but like to be paid for their articles or make a part of their living with it. But that's not just that simple.  

Possibilities for commercialization for blogs

If you run a blog you have different more or less effective possibilities for monetizing. A possibility which can be used by nearly everyone is the integration of banner ads or affiliate links. But there is a catch: For generating nameable earnings the blog needs a large audience. But that is exactly the requirement, that the most bloggers do not fulfil. The same difficulty persists for programmes as Google Adsense. In addition there is the possibility to write paid reviews. But the payment is mostly rather low and the orders few and far between.

A well and promising form of monetizing is the sale of backlinks. Advertisers notice the blog, book a link and pay a monthly rental in return. The blogger benefits from regular earnings, which he may rely on.

Selling links with Linkmads

Finding a single partner which wants to buy a link in a blog is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Linkmads is a good address for selling links: Bloggers may add their offers to the text link marketplace. Interested link buyers may rummage in the offers and carry out fitting bookings. The effort is kept within a limit for both parties, because Linkmads takes over the whole processing.